Monday, February 21, 2011

Wade Named Most Handsome at NBA All-Star Game

Los Angeles Lakers guard Kobe Bryant took home the MVP trophy at the NBA All-Star Game on Sunday, but he lost out to Miami Heat star Dwyane Wade for the Most Handsome Player award. Wade edged out Bryant and Oklahoma City point guard Russell Westbrook for the honor, which was determined by a poll of the all-star players from the Eastern and Western Conferences.

"It's a true honor to be named most handsome at this year's All-Star Game," said Wade. "To know that the vote comes from my fellow all-stars is truly humbling." Fellow Eastern Conference all-star Ray Allen, who matches up against Wade when the Boston Celtics face the Heat, says Wade's looks can often be distracting during a game. "First of all, Dwyane's a great player who can drive to the basket or beat you from the outside," explains Allen. "Combine that with his devilishly handsome good looks, and he's very tough to guard. You try looking into his piercing brown eyes while trying to stop him from scoring. It's hard. Really hard."

Wade's Heat teammate LeBron James concurs. "One of the main reasons I signed with Miami was not just the attractiveness of playing with Dwyane, but the attractiveness of Dwyane himself," notes James. "I mean he's got a killer face and a stellar body. He's easy on the eyes, both in the locker room and on the court. We didn't have anybody who looked that good in Cleveland, except for maybe Wally Szczerbiak in the short time he played there. But Wally didn't have the overall charm of Dwyane."

Wade also has a good chance to win the 2010-11 season's Most Handsome Player award, but will have a tougher task going against the entirety of the NBA. In addition to Bryant and Westbrook, such players as the Chicago Bulls' Kyle Korver and the Orlando Magic's Gilbert Arenas are expected to give Wade a run for his money.